Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tea Party with Grammy | Milwaukee Photographer

Once upon a time. In the land of flowers an faires, lived a happy little girl named Hannah. She was a very smart, strong and brave little girl. Hannah had a very special Grammy that lived far, far away.  Hannah loved her Grammy with all her heart, which is why it made her sad that her Grammy lived a long distance away.  But much to Hannah's delight, her Grammy would come to visit and shower her with love.  On one such visit, Hannah and her Grammy had a fairy garden tea party and invited their fairy friends, Curtis and Tinker Bell.  Hannah's Mommy and Daddy were also invited.  So there among all the beautiful flowers and herbs Hannah, her beloved Grammy and her fairy friends had a magical tea party full of laughs, hugs and tons of love.  Hannah's photographer Mommy snapped some photos of this special day so Hannah and her Grammy could cherish the day for all time. Hannah was the happiest little girl in all the land and they all lived happily ever after...


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