Monday, March 29, 2010

Mom and Dad's Brown-eyed Girl

How could you not fall in love with this brown-eyed beauty. It was a day at the park where I captured this family of three. A lovely morning with somewhat chilly temps, but so much sunshine! It really makes those brown eyes sparkle.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Prince Theo

I made a new friend! This is 3-month-old baby Theo. What a prince...his Mama is a lucky lady! Even when he wasn't happy he was a delight. I enjoyed meeting and taking pictures of this little man.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Family Fun

This wonderful family of three wanted new photos to hang in their home. The power of three is so evident! Brady Street provided some awesome backgrounds too. It was so much fun to shoot these.

Little lady

Only 10 months old and such a little lady. This is Fiona and who could resist taking pictures of those lovely eyes and round cheeks. It was great to spend time with Fiona and her mommy and daddy. Wish we could see them more often!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lots of love to give...

Children like this little beauty make it such a joy to do children photography. I just love her natural enthusiasm in front of the camera. In life she is always dancing and bopping around -- hopefully these photos show off a little bit of that character.

Hannah turns 2!

This little cutie is turning 2! Even at just two years old this little one is full of personality and grace.


Who doesn't remember getting into trouble with your cousins as a kid? Usually cousins are a mix of older and younger kids and when I was a kid somehow being around cousins always turned on the crazy switch. There was happy screaming louder then I ever screamed, joyous running for hours and lots of laughing. Although there was always those silly fights too. Don't know what it is about cousins getting together.

These beauties are cousins and it was so much fun to take their pictures! They didn't act crazy, but they were full of happiness.

Everly darling...

Baby Everly (don't you just love her name?) is just 2 weeks old in these photos. It was such a joy to meet her and take her picture. Her dainty features and tough spirit are forever preserved in these shots. Welcome to the world Everly!